Gemstone Glass Water Bottle + Wellness
Rose Quartz – Amethyst – Clear Quartz
Made of high quality premium glass and with an exchangeable bottom piece ("gempod") filled with a selection of hand-picked rose quartz, amethyst, and clear quartz gemstones, the VitaJuwel ViA GemWater Bottle is manufactured by hand in the Austrian Alps.
This well-balanced composition has already been used for several hundreds of years to inspirit water by countless people all around the world. Gemwater prepared with this blend is probably the best ”everyday water”. Experts claim that amethyst stimulates and soothes the mind and emotions and that rose quartz fosters tranquility. Most customers find gemwater made with this harmonic blend to taste smooth and mild. If you’re unsure, with which VitaJuwel to start your collection, choose this one. You won’t go wrong!
Amethyst is one of the most popular stones around the world. It is known to be an all purpose stone.
Acknowledged for its calming properties, it has the ability to purify and transmute negative energies. It promotes peace-of-mind, purges addictions, and physically reduces swelling. Often used for protection and purification, the amethyst stone was worn throughout history by royalty to signify power.
Amethyst is known to be an all-purpose stone. Amethyst is said to help children in the midst of a transition, such as parents going to work, a move, and even a death in the family. Amethyst has also been shown to help with nightmares or insomnia.
Amethyst is the modern and traditional birthstone of February and is used to celebrate the 6th anniversary of weddings.
This is often called the stone of “Unconditional Love.” Said to be a stone that helps stabilize emotions, dissolve confusion, and assist in drawing harmony with oneself and others. Promoting self-worth and attracting love, rose quartz is said to improve energy flow and circulation allowing one to see things objectively. These qualities help one choose a more positive approach in life.
Also a strong healing crystal for children due to its gentle and positive energy. Rose quartz is a good choice for those children who commonly experience hurt feelings or aggressive tendencies. Rose quartz is said to soothe uncontrolled emotional states of anxiety and/or fear. A great stone to wear around the child's neck.