All cultures throughout history had ancient symbols and forms of communication, but the Congés designer feels that Native Americans and other indigenous cultures were and are exceptionally in tune with nature and the voice of Mother Earth. The many tribes have a mysterious and mystical energy that is engulfing and fascinating to learn about. There are so many symbols within the different cultures.

Dream Catchers have been a part of Native American and First Nation cultures for generations. Dream Catchers have a deep significance, originally meant to teach natural wisdom. They were woven by grandparents and hung above a newborn's bed for peaceful and happy dreams. Every aspect of the design, down to their movement, has meaning. It is believed that bad dreams cannot find their way through the web, getting caught and trapped until they evaporate with the morning dew, whereas the good dreams easily pass through.

The Web of Gold Dream Catcher is meant to bring about wisdom by filtering good ideas and dispersing the bad. The Dream Catcher and Native American Jewelry Collection captures Penna’s connection with nature and the belief that everything comes full circle.